Friday, May 15, 2009

Smarter than all the other babies!!!

I (like every other mom on the planet) think my kid is unbelievably smart. It wouldn't matter if he stared out of glazed eyes all day and still couldn't walk at age 2, I would still harbor my delusion that my kid is brilliant. What can I say? Doesn't he look brilliant to you? Of course I still haven't figured out why the only thing I can get him to eat is ice cream and Trix cereal.

Actually, let me be specific. He will only eat the red and purple pieces of the Trix cereal. Hmmm... Maybe this is evidence that contradicts my brilliant kid theory.

So when the school called me and told me that Andy would be graduating to the 2-year-old class at 22 months, I took it as proof positive that he was the most brilliant kid on the planet. After all, he mastered everything there was to learn in the Waddler class in just 4 SHORT MONTHS!!!
Geez, lets get serious here. It's a lot of work to learn your colors and all your animals AND their signs AND their sounds. All of this while you are learning to talk. Okay granted, when he says rhinoceros, it still sounds like a sneeze, but who's counting!

Anything I can find that continues to feed my mommy delusions will be gloated about. All evidence to the contrary (and anyone who dares to suggest it) will be buried.
Okay, so maybe I should just be really happy they are moving his classes now instead of his birthday (which is very close to my due date.) Typically changes to his routine are accompanied by sheer misery in our household until he adjusts. The last time we changed daylight savings time, I got 3 hours of pure hell from him every day for 2 weeks. Thank God his bedtime came before I had to listen to any more of it. I might have hired a babysitter every night, and I can't afford that.
Here's the new elephant I made. Isn't he cute? No, I'm not smart enough to figure out how to get that picture to rotate.
Wait until you see my matching car seat cover....

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