Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Baby Quilt
Friday, May 15, 2009
Smarter than all the other babies!!!
Okay, so maybe I should just be really happy they are moving his classes now instead of his birthday (which is very close to my due date.) Typically changes to his routine are accompanied by sheer misery in our household until he adjusts. The last time we changed daylight savings time, I got 3 hours of pure hell from him every day for 2 weeks. Thank God his bedtime came before I had to listen to any more of it. I might have hired a babysitter every night, and I can't afford that.
Wait until you see my matching car seat cover....
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Mothers Day EARLY
I thought they were taking me out to eat... I even sat my husband down and reminded him of how much I dislike going to a decent restaurant with all my kids. I told him that was NOT a good Mothers day anything!
Friday, April 24, 2009
We might be getting close....
Friday, April 17, 2009
I'm trying to figure out which of these options will be best... I've simulated what these would look like, and took pictures. Maybe if I post them on the web, they right answer will suddenly become clear?
Option 1: just sew the blocks together as they are. Then put a border on them (not shown.)
Option 2: Dark lattice. I thought this would really make the blocks "pop" but now I think it might make the quilt to dark.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
New Camera
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Master Easter Egg Hunter in Training
He picked up the concept pretty quickly...
Monday, March 30, 2009
Best Idea Ever
At first you might think this is about as pleasant as a root canal. On further investigation, you will realize how hard it is to keep up with an energetic 2 year old at the zoo. I can't quite bring myself to put a leash on my kid. These shoes, however, allow me to locate my kid with minimal effort, even when he's hiding on the other side of a bush. These shoes require constant movement by the child in order to be useful tools, but that does not seem to be a challenge for us.
I would not recomend having him wearing squeaky shoes in the house... that might endanger my sanity.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I'm not sure how I'm supposed to act for a whole weekend with almost nothing to do. What on earth will Scott and I talk about? I'm sure we'll think of something. :)
Tara gave me flowers this weekend...
Now, I would like to say that I have found one of the truly horrible tortures in life: Important meetings/interviews while pregnant. More importantly, shopping for business formal clothes while pregnant. This is not good!!!
I have survived the shopping experience and come out relatively intact. I had to hem my own pants, but hey, a girl had to do what a girl has to do!!! My meeting was this morning, and I think it went okay... I just wish i didn't look like a bloated marshmallow. I'll try to post pictures of the outfit later...
16 weeks to go!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Mark your calendar
My little boy will be born on July 15, 2009.
Isn't that too easy? Figure out the gender and the birthday all on the same day?
Almost seems like it can't possibly go perfectly according to plan - having babies just isn't like that. It's against the laws of nature. You are supposed to get surprised about when they come, what gender they are, etc.
So I guess I'll put this disclaimer on it...
Further updates as events warrant!!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
It's a BOY!!!

Friday, March 6, 2009
A very messy desk
Some people love being pregnant. I am not one of those people. I think those people have a couple of loose screws.
Pregancy is like an after-market add on to our bodies. It works, but it ain't pretty.
How do you know it's been a bad week? When your desk looks like this.
I was at work for 14 hours yesterday. I ate peanut butter sandwitch for lunch. Imagine a pregnant woman too busy for lunch?!?!?! I really hate it when that happens.
I have a new team member starting on Monday and I'm so excited! Maybe I'll have time to make my desk look better. Okay, so maybe I'll just surf the internet or go shopping OR EAT instead of work on my desk. A girl has to have priorities.
Yes, I hid the food that was on my desk before taking this picture.
So in the afternoons, the kids in our neighborhood all come out to play, and us moms sit on the curb and make sure they don't poke eachother in the face with little flags.
During one of these afternoons, we were discussing how hard pregnancy and the first year or two of the kids' life is. It's amazing - up until I had Andy, no one ever really explained how bad that first year sucks. It's a conspiracy. No one tells this to non-moms in the hopes of conning them into the same sleep deprived hell that the rest of us have been through.
Monday, March 2, 2009
By the way...
I don't put much stock in all the "old wives tales" that predict gender of the baby. However, I think the mom "just knows" what it's going to be. This intuition can be skewed if the mom really wants it to be a certain sex, but in general, I think it works.
How do I know?
Because I went to the fabric shop, and I picked out a lot of pink stuff.
Sounds crazy, but when I was 18 weeks pregnant with Andy, I was drooling over the boy bedding and couldn't stand all the girl bedding. I thought it looked like cookie monster puked Pepto Bismal on it! At the time I was really hoping it wasn't a girl because I was going to buy her the bedding with the airplanes and trains on it. Now I think that somehow I just knew...
So now I know... it has to be a girl, otherwise he's going to get pink and green stuff in his bed. Or maybe purple and green.... I haven't decided yet.
As for "old wives tales," the one that says you get sicker with a girl has got to be true. If there is one that says you get fatter, that one is probably true too.
Friday, February 27, 2009
It never fails...
In this case, he got tired of his bowl that had all the marshmallows eaten out of it and decided to help himself to more cereal.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Just too cute
Monday, February 23, 2009
This is crap!!!
I've heard people say how they love being pregnant. They must have very different experiences than me! I wish I could get this baby without going through the pregnancy. It takes so much energy - especially energy I would prefer to spend on Andy or pretty much anything other than being tired and sick.
For now, I guess I'll just eat my breakfast twice.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
More cool ideas than time
Here's my latest list of stuff i would like to attempt....
Isn't that cute? Here is the cool part - its made out of a scrabble tile! Here is the link for how to do it...
Apparently you could add your initial or rhinestones or anything else you could think of!!!
Now for my favorite... I love quilts and this one is just too cute. I think the 2nd and 3rd layers are cotton flannel, so it would be so soft...
This would be so easy to make! I love the colors - that's the part I always have a hard time pulling together.
I really want to find time for this... Couldn't you find some cute fabrics and make these super cute? You could spell out the baby's name.

Here's the link for this one...
Maybe I'll have some time soon. Maybe before the baby comes?
Saturday, February 7, 2009
The second one isn't as much fun
During my first pregnancy, my husband filled up my car with gas and made sure I had plenty of time to rest.
This time, I don't think he's noticed that I'm pregnant yet. I actually told him that the other day, and he said he noticed that day that I was yelling at him...
Anyhow - this one is harder. I'm really struggling trying to everything done and not be completely ehausted all of the time. Being prego with a toddler ain't easy!!!
Today grandma brought my son a huge truck that holds a bunch of matchbox cars. He promptly sat down and sorted them out into piles accordign to color. Hmmm... looks like those engieering genes have doomed him. Poor kid - going to be just like daddy. :)
I've got parent teacher conference this week at his school. I think I'm nervous!!! Maybe I'm scared they will tell me my kid is less than perfection? Isn't that horrible? Every once in a while, I wonder why parents (especially me) get so excited thinking their kid is perfect. In the end, I don't know that perfect kids make better adults - and I'm pretty sure it doesn't mean their parents are any happier or love them any less... so I should just let the whole conference thing go...
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Where's the "Undo" Button???
We were watching some old home videos the other day... My husband informed me that he noticed that an awful lot of them were at some obscene time between midnight and 6am. He said he wasn't sure he wanted to do that again... Could we stop being pregnant now?
I pointed out that there wasn't an "undo" button on the currently installed program.
This is my son playing with his toys at 5am. He had been awake since 3, and was going strong, even though I had the lights out.
I think you forget after a while how bad sleep deprivation is. Something in nature definitely doesn't let remember when you are considering another baby. Then all of a sudden you are pregnant and wondering what the heck you were thinking...
Then you remember how great your children are and how it is always worth it. You also remember that you already have kids, and your sleep is going to be interrupted for the next 10-20 years anyway, so why not go for the whole enchilada?
Still, I can't help but get more nervous as the due date gets closer and the more I suspect that this baby is a lot easier to care for inside of me than out.
By the way,I still reserve the right to be cranky when I'm tired...